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Frequently Asked Questions
Q. How do I use AM's Myblockman Portal?Answer: AM Surveying & Block Management provide all property owners 24/7 access to an online portal providing useful access to: - Service charge statements & balances. - Online announcement board. - Downloadable useful documents such as insurance schedules. - Access to service charge bank account information. To learn more about AM's Myblockman portal please visit our Residents Area which includes a video guide of how to use the portal. Visit Residents Area. If you believe you should have access to Myblockman but are unsure how to access it, please contact our team and we may need to activate your Myblockman account.
Q: My neighbours are noisy, what do I do?"Answer: Living in a block of apartments involves a lot of people living in close proximity to one another. If your neighbour is causing a nuisance, the first thing that you should do is have a friendly chat with them – many people aren’t used to living in apartments and don’t realise the problems that they are causing. The lease contains covenants in relation to not causing a nuisance and so if you are suffering from a repeated problem, AM can take steps to enforce the lease. If you want AM to become involved, we will need to know the address that is causing the problem together with dates, times and details of occurrences. In the first instance, we may write to the offending owner. It is also worth remembering that local authorities have wide ranging powers in relation to noise nuisance and you should also seek their advice.
Q: Too many properties are let to tenants who don’t seem to care. What can I do?Answer: With the boom in buy to let investments over recent years, significant numbers of apartments in many developments are bought by investors to let out. There is nothing that can be done to change this as all these properties are sold on the open market. However all property owners have the same responsibilities under the lease, irrespective of whether they have bought their property to let or to live in themselves. This means that they have to ensure that their tenants comply with the terms of the lease. If you believe that the tenants are causing a problem such as excessive noise or the way in which they are using the facilities, please bring this to the attention of AM so we can take it up with the property owner and/or their letting agents.
Q. Do I need to tell AM if I want to make alterations to my home?Answer: If you live in a leasehold property, it is likely your lease will require you to obtain consent before you carry out any alterations. This is so that we can ensure that the building structure and appearance is not adversely affected by any alterations and that no breaches of lease occur. Please contact us to arrange for the necessary application forms to be provided to you.
Q. Do I need to tell AM if I don’t live at the property or I am an Investor Purchaser?Answer: It is very important that you advise us in writing of your correct postal address if you do not live in the property, otherwise you may not receive invoices and other important communications which could result in legal action being commenced against you for example if service charge arrears accrue. Legally we have to send service charge demands to the property to which they relate unless we are advised otherwise by the owner. It is your responsibility to advise us and you must not rely on assuming others will tell us – we have no way of knowing what your postal address is unless we are told and if told otherwise we will send correspondence directly to the property in which it relates to. For legal reasons, you must tell us about a new address in writing, by post to our offices or by email
Q. My block operates a Bike Storage Policy - how do I apply for authorised bicycle storage?Answer: Our office considers the promotion of organised bike storage to be of benefit and importance to a building by virtue of creating a tidy and usable environment to residents. It’s commonplace for bicycles to become disgarded within a bike store and we wish to remove discarded bicycles to prevent these becoming a nuisance, but don’t wish to remove bicycles in use. If your building operates a Bike Storage cy you can apply for bike storage using this form:
Q. My block operates a Car Parking Application Policy - how do I apply for authorised car parking?Answer: Our office considers the promotion of organised car parking to be of benefit and importance to a building by helping prevent unauthorised or nuisance parking. It’s commonplace for cars to be parked in incorrect bays and we wish to prevent this becoming a nuisance. If your building operates a Car Parking Application policy you can can apply for car parking using this form:
Q. I own a flat in a block - what are my health & safety responsibilities?Answer: Our Residents Responsibility Notice summarises the health & safety obligations of residents in our blocks of flats, please download here:
Q. My block is over 18m or has 7 or more storeys - may I view the Resident Engagement Strategy?Answer: As defined by the Building Safety Act 2022, residential buildings over 18m or of 7 storeys or more, are considered Higher Risk Buildings under the Act and so it is particularly important matters of building safety are acted on effectively. For this reason we adopt and observe a Resident Engagement Strategy, available to download here.
Do I HAVE to conduct works on my fire door?You MUST ensure your fire door is compliant and effective. If it is not, you must conduct works to meet compliance. We’re the Block Managers of your building, it’s part of our duties to conduct regular Fire Door Inspections and this includes a very detailed 10-point inspection of ALL fire doors in your building, including your door. If you have been sent a Fire Door Repairs Quotation, our recent inspection has shown your door has maintenance issues and these must be addressed to avoid non-compliance with fire safety laws. In addition, the terms of your lease require you keep your property to good condition and non-compliant fire doors amount to a breach of lease terms. As the Block Managers we may have to take action to remedy a breach of the terms of your lease if your door remains non-compliant. Maintaining your fire door ensures you stay compliant with the law and the terms of your lease. Please note: your fire door is privately demised to you and is not a communal area and for this reason we cannot use communal service charges to maintain it.
What happens if I don't carry out fire door repairs?If your fire door is non-compliant it MUST recieve repairs or replacement to achieve compliance. It is a requirement of the law and terms of your lease to keep your fire door compliant. If our records show we've written to you to advise of repairs required to your fire door - and the door remains non-compliant upon further inspections - we MUST take action to enforce the terms of your lease such is our role and responsibilties as the Block Manager to keep residents safe. We will serve a Breach of Lease Notice requiring repairs to bring your fire door into compliance within a specified amount of time. You may use our Fire Door Repairs service or another contractor. Anyone conducting repairs to your fire door MUST be competent and you must be able to provide evidence of such along with evidence of repairs resulting in your fire door being compliant.
Which contractor should I use to work on my fire door?We've made it very SIMPLE for leaseholders to obtain fire door repairs. We have office based Block Management and field-based Trades staff working collaboratively in a joined-up manner for your building routinely, we know your building very well. Our Fire Door Repair services make it easy for you to achieve compliance. Via your Fire Door Quiotation Email simply follow steps to “Book Now” and we’ll take care of the rest for you. Your Fire Door Compliance Certificate will be emailed to you on completion of fire door works. To comply with the law, you MUST engage contractors that are competent working with fire doors and can demonstrate this. You must engage contractors with recognised Fire Door Certifications. At AM Surveying & Block Management our Fire Door Installation Operatives are qualified Installers approved by UK Fire Door Training and FireQual, independent certification providers in the fire doors sector. This means our Installers can demonstrate the necessary competence to maintain and install fire doors.
How long will works take?After making your Booking, works will be conducted within 1-4 weeks depending on the nature of the work required. Smaller repairs can be conducted much more quickly. For more complex works – such as replacement of an entire door – we need to order your new door and there is a lead time while we wait for it to arrive before we can install it for you. Upon completion of works we’ll email you your Fire Door Certificate of Compliance.
What happens after I make a booking?Upon receiving your Booking, our Operations department will contact you to arrange access to your property and arrange a date for works to take place.
What are the fire door laws?The principle laws that apply to fire doors in blocks of flats are: - The Fire Safety (England) Regulations 2022, - The Fire Safety Act 2021, and - the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005. In particular, the 2022 & 2021 Acts requires fire doors in all flats to be compliant and in good working condition. Fire doors that are not in working condition amount to a non-compliance with the law. Further, the terms of your lease require you keep your property in satisfactory condition. Non-compliant fire doors to your property amounts to a breach of lease terms which may result in a Breach of Lease Notice having to be issued to remedy the matter. Maintaining your fire door ensures you stay compliant with the law and the terms of your lease.
Is my quotation accurate?We are the Block Managers of your building and as such it’s part of our duties to conduct regular Fire Door Inspections and these include a detailed 10-point inspection of ALL fire doors, including your door. During our Fire Door Inspections we collect photos and details concerning your door and these are held in our database. Your personal Fire Door Quotation has been prepared with careful reference to information we hold on our records, is accurate and includes exactly what is needed for you to achieve compliance.
Will I receive a Fire Door Certificate?Our installers are approved by UK Fire Door Training and FireQual, independent certification providers in the fire doors sector. A Fire Door Certificate of Compliance will be provided to you on completion of your works. It will be emailed to you.
Why do I need to replace my door’s hinges?To be a complaint fire door, your fire door must have at least 3 door hinges, with no screws missing and the hinges must be CE marked and be rated to BS EN 1935. Non-compliant door hinges will melt, warp or break under the intense conditions of fire and so these types of hinges render your door non-compliant. If your door has been found to have non-compliant hinges, less than 3 hinges, hinges with screws missing or any of these - the door requires works to resolve this such to achieve compliance.
Why must my door have seals and gaps within 2mm-4mm?Fire doors are designed to contain and prevent the spread of smoke. To achieve this smoke seals compliant with BS 476 part 22 and part 31.1 or EN 1634-3 must be used. If your door has no smoke seal, smoke seals that are damaged or smoke seals that are not compliant the door requires works to resolve this such to achieve compliance.
Why must my fire door self-close?All fire doors, other than those to locked cupboards such as those to the communal areas containing electrical meters - MUST be fitted with an appropriate self-closing device. Your front door must be a fire door and MUST have a self-closing device. The self-closing device must comply with BS EN 1154 or BS EN 1155, and be CE marked. If your fire door does not have a self-closing device or it’s failed or it’s non-compliant the door requires works to resolve this such to achieve compliance.
What kind of door furniture may I have to my door?Your fire door is permitted to hold various ironmongery and door furnishings as long as they are compliant and DON’T compromise the fire resisting properties to your door. This includes the locks/latches, hinges, letterbox, spyhole and signage. For example, a fire door that was originally a fire door at the time of installation BUT has subsequently had a mailbox retrospectively installed will NO LONGER be a fire door (unless the installation was conducted by certified fire door installers using compliant methods and materials). If your fire door has been noted to be a fire door HOWEVER has had furnishings that are non-compliant or that have breached the fire resisting qualities of the door, the door requires works to resolve this such to achieve compliance.
Q. How do residents report a maintenance problem?Answer: We have made reporting maintenance problems simple and easy! To report a maintenance issue use our online reporting tool. Our team promplty and carefully review each and every reported maintenance issue and will review your issue and take necessary actions.
Q. What repairs are AM responsible for and what are my responsibilities?Answer: The respective responsibilities of AM and you as leaseholder are set out in your lease or transfer which you must refer in order to understand the detailed obligations. In the case of leasehold property, typically AM are responsible for the maintenance and repair of the common parts, the building structure and exterior, any shared services or equipment and any external grounds. You are responsible for all repairs and maintenance within your demised property. If you own a freehold house, you are likely to be fully responsible for all matters relating to your individual property and AM will only have specific responsibilities in relation to any shared private roads, gates or drainage. If you are unsure who is responsible, contact us.
Q. How do I obtain a new key and fob?Answer: To purchase a new key or fob for your property, please click this link access our maintenance request system. Simply select the Communal doors & access option and follow the prompts. There may be an additional cost for keys or fobs, our team will contact you once your request is received to help you. You should be aware that keys and fobs often have to be ordered specially from the suppliers and so may take several weeks to arrive. In some cases, the charge from the supplier for an electric fob can be significant and we have to pass this cost onto the purchaser. We do not have access to keys for your individual front door and we reserve the right to place a limit on the number of duplicates supplied.
Q. Do I need to apply for consent to keep a pet at my property?Answer: Most leases require the consent of AM for the keeping of a pet in a leasehold property. This is for the protection of your neighbours and the building as some pets can cause a nuisance or damage to the common parts. Generally, AM are particularly concerned with larger pets such as cats or dogs, and will usually give consent for smaller pets subject to some reasonable conditions. To request permission to keep a pet please contact us and we shall supply you with the n ecessary application form.
Q. How often will the outside and entrance of the building be redecorated?Answer: In most cases, the frequency of redecoration will be laid down in your lease – often between 5-7 years. In some cases, the lease will require the redecoration to be carried out ‘as and when required’ in which case we will identify when this is necessary from our programme of inspections. We will advise you when redecorations are to be carried out, and in many cases the level of expenditure will require us to formally consult with you prior to committing to the work in accordance with s20 of the Landlord & Tenant Act 1985 (as amended).
Q. Who checks that the Cleaners and Gardeners are doing a good job?Answer: Our team carry our regular routine visits to your building/development or estate on a regular cycle. Our team carry out a full inspection to check that services such as cleaning and landscape maintenance are being carried out according to the specification and to a high standard. We will also identify any repairs needed and will check on any repairs recently carried out. A written report is completed on each visit so that any issues are located and acted upon. If you have a maintenance issue to report to us please do so here.
Q. I have a fault inside my home, who do I report this to?"Answer: AM Surveying & Block Management are responsible for the building exterior, structure and shared internal areas and equipment. If you are concerned about any problems relating to these areas, please report these to us here. If you have a maintenance problem within your individual private demised property then this will be responsibilty of the owner, if that is yourself, the matter will be a private matter for you to investigate and resolve. If you rent your property, please report the issue to your landlord. If you are the property owner; please always remember any repairs to your property that constitue an alteration of the property or that effect/change the common parts may require consent. If you think you may need consent for an alteration please contact us.
Q. When will AM start charging me my Service Charge?Answer: Under the terms of your lease or transfer, your service charge is payable for the full duration of the ownership of your property. AM Surveying & Block Management collect service charges in accordance with the terms of your lease, which means service charges may be collected yearly, half yearly or quarterly. We will generally wait for your solicitor to send us a Notice of Transfer, confirming your purchase and postal address for service of documents. Soon after receiving this we will send you a welcome letter and thereafter you will receive service charge demands at the next routine collection date.
Q. Do I need to tell AM if I am selling my property?Answer: Under the terms of your lease or transfer, you are required to fulfil certain formalities upon the sale of your property. The solicitors acting for vendor and purchaser will normally deal with these matters for you but you should advise your solicitor at an early stage that your building is managed by AM Surveying & Block Management and pass on your contact details. Once a sale is agreed for your property you will require a Sales Management Pack from us, which details a host of information concerning the current and anticipated future situation of maintenance at the building. Usually we receive requests for Sales Management Packs directly from the vendor's solicitor.
Q. Do I need to tell AM if I am sub-letting my property?Answer: If you live in a leasehold property, it is likely that your lease will require you to obtain consent before you let your property which, we will not unreasonably withhold. Please contact us to request the relevant paperwork to obtain consent to sub-let your property.
Q. How do I know what AM are spending my Service Charge on?Answer: At the start of each financial year, a Service Charge Budget is prepared which is sent out to all owners and which sets out, line by line, how the service charge has been calculated, together with explanatory notes. The budget is an estimate of costs for the forthcoming year based on previous years expenditure for the development, current costs and planned and anticipated expenditure. Following the end of the financial year Service Charge Accounts are prepared for the development, as in accordance with the lease or transfer, and legislation. The service charge accounts detail the actual expenditure during the year and are certified by an independent Chartered Accountant, as being accurate. When the accounts are prepared we compare what the actual costs have been to what we have billed during the year, based upon the budget, to identify any surplus or deficit. If expenditure has been lower than anticipated then there will be a surplus that will be credited back to your account or transferred to reserves; if costs have been higher there will be a deficit, and an additional charge will be payable. Either way, you will only pay your proportion of the actual costs of providing the service
Q. Why do I have to pay Service Charge when I live in a Freehold house?Answer: Some developments of freehold houses have the benefits of shared facilities or areas which have to be managed, and the associated costs of this are paid for by the house owners via a service charge. There will generally be less maintenance required compared to a typical block of apartments, but maintenance costs might include electronic gates, shared grounds, areas of open space and private roads and drainage that are not adopted by the local authority or utility companies. Where there are shared areas Property Owners Liability (Public Liability) insurance will need to be arranged and the cost of this forms part of service charge. Where a development is mixed and comprises houses and apartments and in some cases commercial properties, the costs are apportioned fairly between the various elements and this is reflected in the service charge.
Q. What is the Sinking Fund/Reserve Fund?Answer: AM Surveying & Block Management are responsible for the long term maintenance of the property including redecoration of the exterior and internal communal areas, future major repairs and renewals. Therefore, usually included in the service charge, there are amounts set aside in the form of a Reserve Fund and/or Sinking Fund. Each year a contribution is made into these reserve funds with the intention that they build up over the years so that when works are required, there is a fund available to go towards the costs, reducing any additional one off payments that may be required to make up the shortfall. Reserve funds go towards ensuring that the development will be looked after for its full life, thus ensuring that property values, saleability and appearance are maintained.
Q. What is the Management Fee?Answer: The Management Fee is one element of the service charge and is AM Surveying & Block Management's charge for providing the day to day management service. AM's Management Fee is based upon a set annual charge per property. It is not based on a percentage of expenditure which of course would give no incentive to keep costs down.
Q. My property is empty, why do I have to pay service charge?"Answer: Under the terms of your lease or transfer, service charge is payable for the full duration of the ownership of your property irrespective of whether it is occupied or empty. Each property owner contributes towards the costs of the services and these contributions add up to 100%. If we did not charge you whilst the property was empty, we wouldn’t recover 100% of the costs and there would be a shortfall which would have to fall unfairly upon the other owners.
Q. What do I do if the wrong name is on my service charge demand?Answer: If you have recently purchased your property, it is possible that we have been incorrectly advised of the name of the owner, or that we have not yet been formally advised of the completion of your purchase. It is a requirement of the lease or transfer that we receive formal notice of sale which solicitors should deal with as part of the completion process, and we are unable to change our records until we receive this. As a first step please check with your solicitor that they have issued the "Notice of Transfer" required by the lease or deed to AM and if you still need help, please contact us for advice. If your name has changed or someone’s name should legally be removed, we will need to be advised in writing together with a copy of the relevant legal document such as a marriage certificate, deed poll or probate certificate.
Q. Why is my Service Charge higher than my neighbour or the building down the road?Answer: No two buildings/developments are the same and although a block may look to be similar, there will be many differences that may affect the amount of service charge. The number of apartments in a building can have an effect with regard to economies of scale – larger buildings can often be run more cost effectively than one with just a few apartments to share the fixed costs such as lift maintenance. Different buildings have different equipment to maintain – looking after fire alarms, electronic gates and lifts for example have significant costs that may not apply to some buildings. Not all buildings will have a provision in the service charge for building up reserve funds to pay for redecorations and major repairs. If these items aren’t reflected in the service charge, then they are effectively a hidden cost for the future. The service charge for individual properties can be calculated in a number of ways to reflect the services that they individually benefit from or, in some cases to reflect the size of the apartment. Service charge apportionment may be calculated based on the number of bedrooms in your property or based on size of your property.
Q. What are my rights?Answer: There is an extensive body of legislation concerning the management of leasehold property and accounting for service charges to which AM Surveying & Block Management adhere. This legislation lays down requirements for how we keep and account for service charge monies, the reasonableness of service charges, information we have to give to you and consultation before we carry out major work. If you own a freehold property, the body of legislation is somewhat less and you must rely on your terms of your specific transfer deed. Should you ever feel you require legal advice it is always best to seek such, or research what other advisory resources are available to you.
Q. What is Service Charge?Answer: Because you own a property in a managed development, a number of services are arranged centrally by the management company and the costs of these are shared by the owners in the form of a service charge. When you purchased your property, you entered into a lease or transfer deed which states the proportion of the various costs that you have to pay. Your property's lease or transfer deed also states how the service charge is to be paid, on what items AM Surveying & Block Management use the service charge on and how the service charge is to be accounted for.
Q. How can I pay my Service Charge?Answer: We provide a range of payment methods inluding online, over the phone, by BACs or by cheque. We accept all major credit and debit cards. If you are paying by BACS, please ensure you use the correct account details for your development which can be located via your online portal Myblockman. Payment options can be found here.
Q. Why has my Service Charge increased?Answer: The service charge is an estimate of the actual costs of providing the various services arranged by AM Surveying & Block Management for your development where your property is located. The costs of these services can vary depending on contractors/suppliers charges, changes in the level or frequency of services required or maintenance requirements and changes in legislation. For example, utility suppliers for electricity or water may increase their prices on communal supplies, or usage might be higher than previously anticipated. The level of repairs needed might be higher than anticipated or it might be decided that services such as cleaning or gardening need to be carried out more frequently. Insurance costs may also change as a result of wider trends. Budgets estimates will take into account long term changes in costs. Whatever the outcome, we use our expertise to keep costs as low as possible but consistent with providing the right level of service.
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