Budget Meeting (Online)
Resident Company Director? Meet with your Property Manager for budget sign off.
Lets Meet
A Budget Meeting (Online) is intended for the purpose of reviewing and setting the next financial period's Service Charge Budget for your development. Budget meetings are held between the Board of your Residents Company and our Property Management experts. Our Property Management team will usually present the next budget to Resident Company Directors prior to meeting, with the meeting being an opportunity to review the budget and provide feedback ready for sign off. Every development is different with unique requirements and your Property Manager will be considering these for your budget, including in areas such as: - General maintenance. - Health & Safety. - Projects and improvements. - Insurance & administration. - Reserve funding. We invite you to book a budget meeting using our online booking facility. You will be prompted to select your Property Manager to ensure you are presented with accurate availability. This meeting is held via Zoom and you will be emailed Zoom details after booking which can be shared with all Board members for access to the meeting.